Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I got back from my run this morning to find Shamrock and Grins eating French Toast. Apparently I had been invited by text, but was already running and didn't get the message. They graciously made a few more, and we talked a little bit about Chi Running (something that has come highly recommended and I'm trying to get into so as to save my knees, which already hate me). Ash joined a little later, and the conversation turned towards the pop culture that we were becoming increasingly isolated from. By the way, check out Elton John's tiff with Lilly Allen at the GQ awards. You watch it and can't really believe that it was actually happening. We moved to Youtube, which led to a morning of Youtube.

I am going to alienate myself from a lot of people here, but I have to admit that I don't really like Youtube. Occasionally, though, things come across that just really must be shared, and 'Yatta' is one such thing. I think my life may have just taken a turn for the awesomer. Here it is. Hopefully I will never post another Youtube video again. I guess I should warn you that it involves men in their underwear, but I think it would be a stretch to call it 'sexually explicit.' You may disagree, and if so, I apologize.


Jon Weaver said...

Oh man... it's the Japanese Backstreet Boyz meets The Full Monty!

Jon Weaver said...

wait a minute... morning run???